
The 811 on Digging Safely

The purpose of the COLLAGE safety program is to promote a positive attitude towards safety through employee training and management action, requiring applied effort on the part of every employee and person involved in the project. Planning for safety starts with the bid process and continues throughout the construction phase. It starts long before “the first shovel” hits the ground, with safe digging practices. Each year COLLAGE participates in SUNSHINE 811 day. Celebrated on 8/11 (August 11th), it’s a day in which the SUNSHINE 811 organization is asking the construction industry to reinforce digging safety protocols that, in good practice, are taking place all year long.

SUNSHINE 811 is a nonprofit organization, that provides a FREE service to homeowners and construction teams alike, promoting:  “Avoid hitting underground facilities! Let us know when and where you’re digging (call 811 or use one of our online services) and we’ll notify our member utility companies so they can mark their lines, pipes or cables near your job site.” For more information visit

View Collage’s 811 Day Gallery